Mr Henry Ho, BBM(L)
何国伟 BBM (L)

115th Term President

早在1841年, 中国广东三水地区的华人就开始移居到新加坡谋生。记录显示,新加坡三水馆成立于1886年。百余年来,新加坡经历了几许动荡,经济风暴,战火蹂躏和政治跌宕,会馆仍能屹立不倒。会务与日进步,承受历届前辈先贤对同乡福利的关怀和会馆的热爱,有以致之。本会必须与时俱进,多举办各项适应潮流的活动,吸引同乡们的参与,共叙乡情。

As early as 1841, immigrants from the Sam Sui area in Guangdong China started arriving in Singapore to make a living.  Records shows that the first Sam Sui Wui Kun in Singapore was established in 1886. Throughout these years, Singapore experienced transformational changes that ranged from economic and social turbulence and political upheaval. Despite all these changes, Sam Sui Wui Kun pioneers persisted and focused on improving the welfare of our fellow members and promote cultural continuity.

Sam Sui Wui Kun is committed to keep up with changing trends and work towards organizing meaningful activities to promote welfare for our members.


Sam Sui Wui Kun aims to promote friendly relations amongst members. to plan for ordinary members’ welfare, to support any undertaking for public benefit, and to promote cultural activities including our lion dance band.

本会宗旨专注于推广会员互相联络, 融洽感情, 赞助公益, 计划普通会员福利, 共同研究文艺康乐, 包括醒獅技艺


Honorary Adviser

Senior Adviser



115th Term Management Committee: 2022 to 2025

Honorary Committee Members

115 Term Management Committee

Past Management Committees

HISTORY / 新加坡三水会馆历史


The earliest record of Sam Sui natives coming to seek a living in Singapore can be traced back to the early 19th century. In 1941, seven martyrs of Cantonese origin, including a Sam Sui native named Liang Ya De, sacrificed themselves in a conflict with other local gangs over the rights of the cemetery at Luk Ye Pavilion. 


The exact establishment year of Sam Sui Wui Kun is unknown due to the lack of historical records. According to oral transmission from elders, Sam Sui immigrants originally gathered for fellowship at a venue known as  “Yi Jiang Villa” at No. 31 Guangheyuan Street (Pagoda Street) for fellow townsmen to gather. Later, they moved to Tofu Street (Upper Chin Chew Street) and renamed the place as Sam Sui Wui Kun. Based on available records of cemetery sites involving Sam Sui Natives in 1885 to 1893, elders considered the founding year of Sam Sui Wui Kun to be 1886. 

1904年何心田被公推为会馆总理. 因鉴于其他邑侨均有堂皇的会址,乃建议购置馆所.,获得各执事热烈支持,于是召开同人大会,通过进行筹购会所事宜,并推选黎某和陆某为筹建馆址正、副总理,九位协理为何心田邓寿屏岑璋陆以钊黎淘生程怀冼联李吉雪和陆祥当时三水邑侨生活并不富裕,经济能力有限,然各执事互相勖勉,努力促成,并发捐册到各埠,求助于远近乡亲,终在众志成城下,翌年,购得海山街三十五号三层楼屋宇,屋价三千五百元,连装修、家私设备及开幕等,共银八千余元。 

In 1904, Mr Ho Sum Tin was elected General Manager of Sam Sui Wui Kun. Mr Ho observed other clan associations had their own buildings and proposed purchasing a permanent building for Sam Sui Wui Kun. This proposal received enthusiastic support from the board of directors, and a general meeting was held obtain approval for fund raising. Mr Lai and Mr Lou were appointed leaders of this project, together with the following nine committee members: Mr Ho Sum Tin, Mr Tang Shao Peng, Mr Sam Jiong, Mr Loke Yi Chew, Mr Lai Yun Sang, Mr Cheng Wai , Mr Xin Lin, Mr Lee Kat Xue, and Mr Loke Choing. At that time, most Sam Sui immigrants in Singapore are not wealthy, and their economic capabilities were limited. The project team showed strong initiative and teamwork by encouraging each other and working hard to secure funding. They went above and beyond by actively seeking donations from individuals in different locations. Through collaborative efforts, Sam Sui Wui Kun successfully acquired a three-story building located at 35 Hai San Street (Upper Cross Street)  the following year. The cost of this purchase, including renovation, furniture, and opening ceremony, totalled more than $8,000, with the actual building price amounting to $3,500, which was a princely sum in those days. 

Development of Events / 沿革史略
